Help your children find calm and confidence through virtual yoga!

Schedule a 30-min introduction today

After an 8-week session your child will feel more calm and have a new confidence in themselves.

Camp Yogi Weekly Overview

  • Week 1: Yoga

    Introduction Day! We will discuss what yoga means to us and will learn our Camp Yogi sequence which we will practice every session.

  • Week 2: Breathe

    We will discuss the importance of breath and how we can use it in many different ways, all while practicing our Camp Yogi sequence!

  • Week 3: Mantra

    Introduce mantras and have each child come up with their own mantra using new yoga poses. We will start building our personal mantras throughout the weeks ahead!

  • Week 4: Mindfulness

    Talk about what it means to be mindful of ourselves and others. We will learn fun mindfulness exercises to practice daily and incorporate yoga throughout!

  • Week 5: Strength

    What is strength? We will focus on how we can build strength from the inside out all while practicing the warrior poses.

  • Week 6: Balance

    We balance so many things in life like school, sports, chores, etc. In this session we will find the calm in the chaos, while practicing balancing poses.

  • Week 7: Friendship

    Invite a friend to join yoga with you as you get to teach them everything you have learned and show them your personal mantra sequence!

  • Week 8: Graduation

    Bring as many relatives to the class. Each child will showcase their mantra sequence and celebrate their newfound calm and confidence!

“Thank you for all that you have done, my daughter found her voice through yoga”

– Mother of a previous student